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Handlers Region

The Handlers region is used to define all form, component, and control event handlers, which are script blocks that are executed when an event is raised. Examples of events include clicking a button, typing text into a textbox, and showing a form.

The region is denoted with the "#region Handlers" tag and occurs between the Functions and Main regions in the ScriptoForm script.

Code Example

#region Handlers
$FormMain_Shown =
    $ToolStripStatusLabelMain.Text = "Ready"

Add event handlers here...

$ButtonRun_Click =
    $ToolStripStatusLabelMain.Text = "Working...please wait"
    $FormMain.Controls | Where-Object {$PSItem -isnot [System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip]} | ForEach-Object {$PSItem.Enabled = $false}
    $FormMain.Cursor = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursors]::WaitCursor

        Do work here...
        Add custom exception handling here...
            $PSItem.Exception.Message + "`n`nPlease contact $SupportContact for technical support.",

    $FormMain.Controls | ForEach-Object {$PSItem.Enabled = $true}
    Reset controls here...
    $ToolStripStatusLabelMain.Text = "Ready"


Event Handlers Overview - Windows Forms .NET Framework | Microsoft Learn